Isosceles triangle calculator

Please enter two properties of the isosceles triangle

Use symbols: a,b c, h, T, p, A, B, C, r, R

This calculator calculates any isosceles triangle specified by two of its properties. An isosceles triangle is a triangle that has two sides of equal length. Our calculator provides the calculation of all parameters of the isosceles triangle if you enter two of its parameters, e.g. base b and an arm a. It is not a problem to calculate an isosceles triangle, for example, from its area and perimeter (T=12 p=16).

Examples of calculating isosceles triangles:

  • angle α and base c
  • base c and arm a
  • height and arm a
  • area S and angle γ

An isosceles triangle in word problems in mathematics:

  • Isosceles - isosceles
    triangles_12 It is given a triangle ABC with sides /AB/ = 3 cm /BC/ = 10 cm, and the angle ABC = 120°. Draw all points X such that true that BCX triangle is an isosceles and triangle ABX is isosceles with the base AB.
  • Isosceles triangle
    math_fun_1 What are the angles of an isosceles triangle ABC if its base is long a=5 m and has an arm b=4 m.
  • Isosceles IV
    iso_triangle In an isosceles triangle ABC is |AC| = |BC| = 13 and |AB| = 10. Calculate the radius of the inscribed (r) and described (R) circle.
  • Isosceles triangle
    isosceles-triangle-quilt Calculate the perimeter of isosceles triangle with arm length 73 cm and base length of 48 cm.
  • Isosceles triangle
    rr_triangle3_1 Calculate the area of an isosceles triangle, the base of which measures 16 cm and the arms 10 cm.
  • Isosceles triangle
    rr_triangle3 The circumference of the isosceles triangle is 32.5 dm. Base length is 153 cm. How long is the leg of this triangle?
  • Isosceles right triangle
    IsoscelesRightTriangle Area of an isosceles right triangle is 18 dm2. Calculate the length of its base.
  • Isosceles triangle
    triangle2_3 The leg of the isosceles triangle is 5 dm, its height is 20 cm longer than the base. Calculate base length z.
  • Isosceles triangle 10
    iso_23 In an isosceles triangle, the equal sides are 2/3 of the length of the base. Determine the measure of the base angles.
  • Isosceles triangle 8
    7-6-7-triangle If the rate of the sides an isosceles triangle is 7:6:7, find the base angle correct to the nearest degree.
  • Medians of isosceles triangle
    iso1 The isosceles triangle has a base ABC |AB| = 16 cm and 10 cm long arm. What is the length of medians?
  • Triangles
    green_triangle Equilateral triangle with side 40 cm has the same perimeter as an isosceles triangle with arm of 45 cm. Calculate the base x of an isosceles triangle.
  • Right isosceles triangle
    rr_triangle3 What can be the area of a right isosceles triangle with a side length of 8 cm?
  • Isosceles III
    demos The base of the isosceles triangle is 17 cm area 416 cm2. Calculate the perimeter of this triangle.
  • Isosceles triangle
    triangles_8 Calculate the area and perimeter of an isosceles triangle ABC with base AB if a = 6 cm, c = 7 cm.

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Look also our friend's collection of math problems and questions:

  • Isosceles triangle
  • triangle
  • right triangle
  • Heron's formula
  • The Law of Sines
  • The Law of Cosines
  • Pythagorean theorem
  • triangle inequality
  • similarity of triangles
  • The right triangle altitude theorem

See more information about triangles or more details on solving triangles.